What is VizLanguage?
VizLanguage is a fundamental invention to do with language and human communication. VizLanguage is a unique and intuitive system of rules for combining (merging) text, shapes, images, interactivity, and pedagogies to create digital content. The rules include adding video, sound, hyperlinks, and other elements to the content.

What does it do?
The function of VizLanguage is to accelerate learning, knowledge transfer and communication of complex information — the type of information that has to be understood and recalled (e.g., academic topics).
VizLanguage makes written and verbal language more accessible and useful – for people and machines.
Our education system is based on the transfer of knowledge through written and spoken languages. Yet, millions of people struggle with learning complex topics by reading text-heavy documents (e.g., textbooks, online courses) or by listening to long verbal explanations (e.g., online or offline lectures, video tutorials) – even if accompanied with visuals. VizLanguage can overcome these challenges for young and adult learners across the globe.

How do you use it?
A document or web content expressed in VizLanguage is called a VizDoc. Using a VizDoc is super easy; you can learn how to use a VizDoc in 5-30 minutes depending on your age and background. Please visit VizDocs Marketplace to find many examples of free VizDocs. You can also create your own VizDocs by using VizWriter.
Who is it for?
VizLanguage is for: I) young and adult learners; II) educators, teachers, and professors; III) online tutors, coaches, and consultants; IV) small and large organizations; V) textbook publishers and digital content creators; and VI) AI training systems and platforms.
I. For young and adult learners
For young and adult learners, VizLanguage can: 1) accelerate deep learning of complex topics, 2) increase accessibility of the content to a broad range of diverse learners including visually oriented learners, young and adult learners with dyslexia or ADHD, as well as English Language Learners, 3) increase engagement with content, 4) improve comprehension and retention of key concepts, 5) improve critical thinking skills, 6) enhance executive function and self-regulation skills, 7) decrease cognitive load during the learning process, 8) boost working memory, reasoning, and much more! (See FAQ section for full list of benefits of VizLanguage and the body of literature supporting it.)
The video below shows how to find a VizDoc (using VizDocs Marketplace), how to use it, and how to create your own VizDoc.

II. For educators, teachers, and professors
For educators, teachers, and professors VizLanguage can: 1) facilitate knowledge transfer of academic and non-academic topics, 2) enable content experts to rapidly create effective educational content, 3) enable creation of pedagogically advanced tutorials, 4) turn content experts with limited teaching experience into effective educators, 5) improve online teaching and communication, and much more! (See FAQ section for full list of benefits of VizLanguage and the body of literature supporting it.)
The video below shows how to find a VizDoc (using VizDocs Marketplace), how to use it, and how to create your own VizDoc.

III. For online tutors, coaches, and consultants
For online tutors, coaches, and consultants, VizLanguage can: 1) accelerate knowledge transfer, 2) turn content experts with limited tutoring / consulting experience into effective tutors / consultants, and 3) improve outcomes (e.g., learner outcomes in the case of tutoring, patient outcomes in the case of telehealth consulting, and business outcomes in the case of business consulting). (See FAQ section for details.)
The video below shows how to find a VizDoc (using VizDocs Marketplace), how to use it, and how to create your own VizDoc.

IV. For small and large organizations
For small and large organizations, VizLanguage can: 1) improve productivity, 2) improve training and performance outcomes, 3) reduce training costs, 4) increase accessibility to training materials and increase compliancy with ADA, 5) improve engagement with content, 6) enhance team collaboration and ability to solve problems, 7) reduce barriers in communication and bring clarity to discourse, 8) support diverse workers, 9) improve conflict resolution skills, 10) accelerate knowledge capture and transfer, 11) accelerate acquisition of new knowledge and share that knowledge across the organization, and much more! (See FAQ section for details.)
The video below shows how to find a VizDoc (using VizDocs Marketplace), how to use it, and how to create your own VizDoc.

V. For textbook publishers and digital content creators
For textbook publishers and digital content creators, VizLanguage can help repurpose your content into highly interactive, accessible, and valuable content.(See FAQ section for details.)
The video below shows how to find a VizDoc (using VizDocs Marketplace), how to use it, and how to convert your textbooks and other digital content into VizDocs.

VI. For AI training systems and platforms
For AI systems and platforms, VizLanguage can: 1) reduce training time, 2) reduce cost of building AI solutions, 3) ignite new innovations in AI sector, and 4) make it possible for non-technical creators to create semantically annotated content (providing human labeling at scale). (See FAQ section for details.)
The video below shows how VizLanguage benefits AI systems and platforms.